
Create fun quizzes or assessments related to your industry or product offering and ask users to provide their email or contact information to receive their quiz results or personalized recommendations.

There are two ways to create quizzes

  • Create Using AI

  • Create Using Templates

Creating a Quiz using Ai:

1. In the "Quizzes" section, click on the "Create using Ai" tab.

2. Enter the required details such as the campaign name, quiz description, number of quiz questions, and choose the industry.

3. Once you have entered the necessary details, click on "Create".

4. After creating the quiz, you can further modify and personalize it as per your needs.

Creating a Quiz using Templates:

1. In the "Quizzes" section, browse through the templates based on the industry you have chosen.

2. If needed, you can change the industry by selecting the relevant option.

3. Select a template that suits your requirements.

4. Click on "View Template" to see a preview of the template.

5. To start modifying the content in the template, click on "Edit Template".

Editing Quiz Content

1. Introduction

The editing process includes three sections: start screen, questions, and results page. Please follow the steps below to make the necessary updates.

2. Editing Screens

2.1 Start Screen

- Click on the "Edit" button to initiate the editing process.

- Access the start screen section to modify its content.

- The start screen allows customization of the following elements:

- Header description: Modify the text displayed as the main heading of the quiz.

- Cover image: Update the image used as the background or visual representation of the quiz.

- Button color: Adjust the color of the interactive buttons displayed on the start screen.

2.2 Questions

- Proceed to the questions tab to edit the quiz questions.

- In this section, you have the ability to modify existing questions or add/remove questions as needed.

- To edit a question, locate the desired question and make the necessary modifications to the text, options, or any other relevant attributes.

2.3 Results Page

- Navigate to the results page section to make changes.

- On the results page, you can customize various elements:

- Coupon login: Configure the coupon login feature, if applicable, to provide discount codes or special offers to quiz participants upon completion.

- Redirect link: Specify a redirect link that participants will be directed to after completing the quiz.

- Thank you description: Edit the text displayed as a message of gratitude or acknowledgment to participants for completing the quiz.

If you want to learn how to get started with integrations, click here, and if you want to get started with sharing a campaign, click here.

Last updated