Import Products Manually

To add products Manually

a. Login to your Engage account and navigate to the "E-commerce" section.

b. Choose the template and click on " Use this template " Then click on " add Products"

c. choose "Add Manually" from the available options.

Select add manually option you will be asked to fill the product details manually

Product name: The name of your product.

Description: A concise explanation or summary outlining the key features and characteristics of a product.

SKU: A stock keeping unit, a unique code or number assigned to a specific product to track inventory and facilitate sales management.

Price: The cost or amount of money required to purchase a product.

Button: A clickable button for initiating a purchase or navigating through a website.

Button link: The URL or hyperlink associated with a button, directing the user to a specific webpage or action when clicked.

Tag: A descriptive keyword or label assigned to a product to facilitate easy categorization, searchability, and organization.

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