Create Campaign Using AI

To create your first campaign using AI, follow these steps:

Step 1 : When you click on the " Create using AI " button in create campaign, a prompt will appear, asking you to choose a campaign name and provide a campaign description.

Step 3: A pop up box or user interface element will appear, prompting you to enter a campaign name and campaign description. Fill in these fields with the information.

Step 4: After entering the campaign details, search for and locate the options presented for generating quizzes, polls, calculators, ecommerce, and surveys.

Step 5: Evaluate the available options based on your requirements and preferences.

Step 6: Upon choosing the option, click on it to Create to the next step.

Step 7: The chosen open will provide with AI generated content specific to the selected functionality (quiz, poll, calculator, ecommerce, or survey).

Step 8: Customize the chosen functionality according to your needs. This may involve configuring questions and answers for quizzes and polls, specifying calculations or formulas for calculators, setting up product listings and payment methods for eCommerce, or designing survey questions and response options.

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