
Engage polls can also be used for collaboration and decision-making within teams or organizations. By presenting possible options or scenarios and gathering input from team members, decision-makers can make informed choices. This participative approach ensures that diverse perspectives are considered and leads to more inclusive and effective decision-making.

How to Create a Poll with GoZen Engage

1. Navigate to the GoZen Engage platform and go to the templates section.

2. Choose the industry category that is relevant to your Poll

3. Click on the "Poll" option to view the available poll templates for your industry.

4. Select the appropriate poll template for your use case.

5. Preview the template by clicking on the "View Template" option to see how it looks or click on "Use Template" to start customizing it.

6. When you click on "Use Template", you will be prompted to choose the workspace

  1. Enter a campaign name for your Poll

7. Once you provide the necessary information, you will be redirected to the editing screen.

8. On the editing page, you will see various customization options such as the ability to change the title image, add form fields, edit button texts, and set background images.

9. If you want to modify the content, click on the "Edit" button. This will take you to the three main options: start screen, questions, and result page.

10. On the start screen, you can customize the header description and button texts according to your preferences.

11. On the questions section, you will find a list of different questions. You can customize these questions to suit your needs.

12. In the results menu, you have the option to edit the header description, cover image, redirect URL, and other relevant settings.

If you want to learn how to get started with integrations, click here, and if you want to get started with sharing a campaign, click here.

Last updated