Tag Change Notification

Tag Change Notification:

Tag change notifications are triggered when specific user attributes or behaviors change. For example, if a user upgrades their subscription plan, changes their preferences, or completes a milestone within the app, a notification can be automatically sent to acknowledge and congratulate the user. These notifications help to keep users engaged by recognizing their actions and providing relevant information or rewards.

To get started with tag change notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to automation and then click on " Tag Change Notification "

  1. Click on "Configure Tags" button.

  1. Click on the "select Tag" button

  1. specify the tag name that should trigger notifications when changed.

  2. Specify the tag setting to subscribe or unsubscribe

  3. Save the configuration changes.

Now, whenever the specified tag is changed, the configured notifications will be sent to the specified recipients or channels.

Last updated