Return Inactive Users

Push notification automation can also be used to re-engage with inactive users who have not interacted with the app for a certain period of time. These notifications can be used to remind users of the value of the app, provide personalized offers or incentives to come back, or highlight new features that have been added since their last visit. The goal is to encourage these inactive users to re-engage with the app and become active again.

Here are the steps to get started before selecting the inactive user time:

  1. Navigate to automation and then click on " Return Inactive "

  1. Set the campaign send time: Determine the specific time and date when you want to send out your campaign to your users. This ensures that all users receive the campaign at the same time.

  1. Select the notification time: Determine the appropriate time interval for sending notifications to your users. These notifications can serve as a reminder for them to take action or engage with your campaign.

  2. Select the inactive user time: Now, it's time to choose the duration of inactivity that qualifies a user as inactive. Decide the number of days or weeks a user needs to be inactive before they are considered as such. This helps in identifying which users to target with re-engagement campaigns or follow-ups.

By following these steps, you can effectively set up your campaign and define the inactive user time to optimize your user engagement and reactivation strategies.

Last updated